Embracing the Clean Room Movement: A Guide to a Healthier Home

In recent years, the clean room movement has gained momentum as people seek to create healthier living spaces by adopting eco-friendly cleaning practices. This movement is about maintaining a clean home and focuses on using sustainable and non-toxic cleaning products. This article will explore the principles of the clean room movement. Tips on a cleaning routine, eco-friendly cleaning products, homemade cleaning recipes, and essential oils to enhance your cleaning experience.

Understanding the Clean Room Movement

The clean room movement promotes a healthy and sustainable living environment. It emphasises using products and practices that are effective in cleaning, gentle on the environment, and safe for human health. By reducing exposure to harmful chemicals, the clean room movement aims to create homes that support overall well-being.

Creating a Cleaning Routine

Daily Maintenance

Daily maintenance forms the bedrock of a consistently clean and welcoming home. These small but impactful tasks contribute to your living space’s aesthetics and promote a healthier environment. Begin your day by making the beds; this simple act not only imparts a sense of order but also instantly transforms the look and feel of your bedroom. Wiping down surfaces, from countertops to tables, is essential in preventing the accumulation of dust and germs. Additionally, regular sweeping or vacuuming of high-traffic areas, such as living rooms and hallways, removes dirt and allergens, maintaining a fresh and clean atmosphere.

Weekly Deep Cleaning

While daily maintenance keeps the surface tidy, dedicating specific days to weekly deep cleaning is crucial for addressing the often neglected corners of your home. Delve into areas that accumulate hidden dust and grime, such as skirting boards and spaces behind furniture. By giving attention to these overlooked spaces, you not only enhance the overall cleanliness of your home but also reduce potential allergens that can affect indoor air quality. A thorough weekly cleaning routine is the key to preventing the gradual dirt buildup and maintaining a truly refreshed space.

Monthly Overhaul

For a comprehensive and in-depth cleaning experience, reserve a day each month for a thorough overhaul of your living space. Use this time to address larger cleaning projects that go beyond the regular routine. Consider washing curtains to eliminate dust and allergens that may have settled on the fabric. Cleaning windows allows natural light to flood into your home, creating a brighter and more inviting atmosphere. Furthermore, focus on cleaning frequently touched surfaces, including doorknobs and light switches, to reduce the risk of spreading germs. This monthly commitment to deep cleaning not only maintains the aesthetic appeal of your home but also contributes to a healthier and more hygienic living environment.

Seasonal Refresh

As you cultivate a routine that promotes cleanliness and well-being, consider incorporating a seasonal refresh into your cleaning schedule. Each season brings its own challenges and opportunities for maintaining a clean home. In the spring, focus on decluttering, organising, and purging unnecessary items to create a renewed sense of space. Summer invites thorough dusting and ventilation, taking advantage of the warm weather to refresh your living environment. Autumn provides an excellent opportunity for deep-cleaning carpets and upholstery. At the same time, winter calls for extra attention to indoor air quality and preventing mould and mildew.

Mindful Maintenance

A clean home is not only a physical sanctuary but also a mental one. Incorporate moments of self-care into your cleaning routine to make the process more enjoyable and sustainable. Play your favourite music or podcasts while tidying up, turn cleaning into a family activity, or treat yourself to a soothing cup of herbal tea after completing a particularly challenging task. By infusing your routine with mindfulness and self-care, you transform the act of cleaning into a positive and therapeutic experience.

Tech-Savvy Tools

In the era of smart homes, leverage technology to streamline your cleaning routine. Invest in robotic vacuums that can autonomously clean your floors, or consider using apps to help you schedule and track your cleaning tasks. These technological aids save time and contribute to the efficiency and effectiveness of your overall cleaning routine.

Personalised Touches

Everyone’s living situation is unique, and a one-size-fits-all approach may not suit every household. Tailor your cleaning routine to accommodate your family’s specific needs, taking into account factors such as the number of occupants, pets, and individual schedules. A personalised approach ensures that your cleaning routine is realistic, achievable, and sustainable in the long run.


Eco-Cleaning Products 


Off the Shelf All-Purpose Cleaners

Look for eco-friendly, biodegradable, and non-toxic all-purpose cleaners. Brands like Method, and Ecover offer alternatives to traditional chemical-laden cleaners.

Homemade Cleaning Product Recipes

I’ve experimented with making homemade all-purpose kitchen sprays, and here’s what I discovered. Personally, I steer clear of white vinegar because I’m not too fond of the smell, so it doesn’t find its way into my cleaning solutions. Instead, I blend filtered water with a dash of Ecover washing-up liquid and infuse the mix with a selection of my preferred essential oils.

All-Purpose Cleaner One: 

The Verdict 

 I love this spray! It harnesses the antibacterial and energising properties of grapefruit, the antimicrobial and antifungal essence of lemon, the mood-lifting and antibacterial attributes of bergamot, and the antibacterial touch of rosemary—all in one delightful concoction.

All-Purpose Cleaner Two: 

The Verdict 

In a prior experiment, I added more drops of Lemongrass, resulting in an overpowering scent. With less Lemongrass, I’ve achieved a beautifully balanced aroma that is perfect for the kitchen. With an abundance of grapefruit, it emits a delightful fragrance, and its antibacterial properties also invigorate the space. Meanwhile, Lemongrass contributes to deodorising and antibacterial effects, enhancing the overall blend with its refreshing aroma. I adore this spray for its harmonious and energising qualities.

Essential Oils for Cleaning

Incorporating essential oils into my cleaning routine has become a staple in every room. I use my homemade sprays infused with oils in the kitchen and bathroom. Additionally, I add them to the washing machine to keep it fresh and use them to clean and deodorise waste bins and into the mop bucket for floor cleaning. However, I opt for Method eco-cleaner for surfaces and furniture to avoid any potential staining, as certain essential oils may have that effect.



Essential Arsenal: Top 5 Oils for Effective Cleaning

1. Grapefruit 

Grapefruit possesses antibacterial properties, hinders mould growth, acts as a stress reliever, enhances mood, and dispels brain fog with its enchanting, uplifting scent. I incorporate it into cleaning hand creams and roll-ons for a delightful and multifaceted aromatic experience.

2. Lemon

Lemon is my second most used essential oil for cleaning due to its antibacterial and antifungal properties. As a member of the citrus oil family, it also has an uplifting and refreshing aroma that invigorates the room.

3. Bergamont 

With its captivating aroma and mood-boosting essence, bergamot proves ideal for diffusion. Additionally, its antibacterial properties make it a valuable asset in cleaning applications.

4. Tea Tree

Tea tree oil carries a refreshing scent. I avoid combining it with citrus oils due to clashing aromas, preferring to create a separate blend. Renowned for its potent antifungal and antibacterial properties, tea tree oil is particularly effective in combating mould and mildew.

5. Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus pairs well with tea tree oil in a combined blend, belonging to the same fresh category. It’s essential not to use an excessive number of drops to prevent an overpowering scent—opt for a smaller amount of each. It is known for its refreshing aroma; eucalyptus oil excels in disinfecting surfaces and purifying the air.

Handy Eco-friendly Cleaning Products to Buy

Microfiber Cloths

Efficient in capturing dust and dirt without relying on chemical cleaners, these reusable cloths cater to diverse preferences. Explore this curated selection on Amazon whether you prefer vibrant colours or a blend with your interior.

Reusable Spray Bottles

Opt for reusable spray bottles to reduce plastic waste. Simply refill them with your homemade cleaning solutions.

Bamboo Cleaning Brushes

Sustainable and biodegradable bamboo cleaning brushes are an eco-friendly alternative to traditional plastic brushes.

Natural Eco Cleaning Sponges

Crafted from environmentally friendly materials, these sponges provide an effective and gentle cleaning solution for your home. Say goodbye to synthetic alternatives and embrace the power of eco-conscious cleaning with these natural sponges.

Essential Oil Starter Kit 

Nikura Professional Essential Oil Set – 14 x 10ml Essential Oils for Diffuser for Home, Aromatherapy

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